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Anti-Aging with Ozone

We mainly see the effects of aging from the outside. We worry about laugh lines, wrinkles on our forehead, veins on our hands, and our hair turning grey. These are the signs of aging we can see with our own two eyes. But the effects of aging that actually affect us the most are happening inside. Joint pain, lack of energy, muscle aches, chronic illness, and more are really the effects that keep us from continuously living a happy, energized life. But anti-aging treatments don’t just have to be something we use to get rid of our crow’s feet. They can be something we turn to in order to get an internal boost as well!


We mainly see the effects of aging from the outside. We worry about laugh lines, wrinkles on our forehead, veins on our hands, and our hair turning grey. These are the signs of aging we can see with our own two eyes. But the effects of aging that actually affect us the most are happening inside. Joint pain, lack of energy, muscle aches, chronic illness, and more are really the effects that keep us from continuously living a happy, energized life. But anti-aging treatments don’t just have to be something we use to get rid of our crow’s feet. They can be something we turn to in order to get an internal boost as well!

105 West Blackwell St. Tullahoma, Tennessee 37388 | (931) 247-7744 |

Fran Costner I-ACT Certified Colon Hydrotherapist

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease

Tue., Wed.,Thur.,- 9:00am - 6:00pm
Saturday - Colonics Only By Appointment Only 
Sessions After Normal Business Hours Available
by Appointment Only 
© 2018 Spring House Health & Wellness LLC. All Rights Reserved.
I-ACT Certified
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