For over 150 years, the medical field has used Ozone (O3) therapy as a treatment method, mainly because of its reliability. It is used to strengthen the body’s defense mechanism and to treat diseases, infections, and wounds, among others. The ozone gas is known to combat as many as 114 diseases.
Ozone therapy has different types and is used in various localized parts of the human body. Vaginal insufflation is one of its many types, and in this method, the ozone gas plays a critical role in treating vaginal infections. It is proven to be effective compared to antibiotics.
How to Perform Vaginal Insufflation
Vaginal insufflation is most often used for vaginal infections. It is known to help in the treatment of yeast and bacterial vaginal infections, as well as pain in the vagina, labia, and pelvis8
Performing vaginal insufflation1 is easy. The first thing you have to do is to prepare all the equipment needed7: an oxygen source (tank or concentrator); an ozone generator that can produce ozone concentrations of at least up to 50 mcg/ml; a silicone tubing for the gas to travel through , the connector, the catheter, the face mask to avoid inhaling the ozone gas; and white towels to absorb the escaped ozone gas.
After preparing the necessary tools, you can connect the oxygen source to the generator and to the tubing and catheter. Afterwards, place the towels on your couch or seat and wear the mask for breathing protection.
it is for the human body.
During the short period of treatment, you can browse your phone, read a book, watch some videos, or have a cup of coffee. After 10 to 30 minutes, when you are done, turn off the ozone generator, turn off the oxygen, remove the catheter, and rinse it out with warm water.
You may repeat the treatment two to three times a week until the problem disappears.
Treats Bacterial Infections
Aside from the oxygenation of your cells and tissues, specifically in the vaginal area, the treatment is great for many bacterial infections; such as bacterial vaginosis, vaginal herpes, and vaginal yeast infection. Many women today suffer from chronic vaginal issues, which are primarily caused by yeasts and microorganisms.
While antibiotics can effectively treat genital infection, they can also lead to imbalance in the number of good bacteria living in the human digestive tract. Traditional medicines, on the other hand, are not always effective.
Because of these issues, vaginal insufflation is now used as a reliable form of treatment for genital infections. This treatment method is effective since yeast and other microorganisms are sensitive to ozone and are killed immediately by it.
Destroys Antibiotic-resistant Bacteria
Other than treating the usual bacteria and infections, vaginal insufflation is also efficient in destroying antibiotics-resistant bacteria as well as bacteria not detectable by high vaginal swabs (HVS)3. It has successfully treated illnesses such as ureaplasma and mycoplasma.
Treats Sexually Transmitted Diseases
The treatment also helps with sexually transmitted infections like Gardnerella vaginalis, chlamydia, and cytomegalovirus. After undergoing ozone treatment, you can expect to see a decrease in symptoms, some of which are problematic discharge, odor, itching, discomfort, and pain during sexual intercourse.
Produces Antioxidants
With the help of ozone therapy, the body produces more antioxidants and increases immune system function.
Ozone treatment leads to a dramatic improvement in vaginal health and allows the normal growth of vaginal bacteria3. With the presence of oxygen, the treatment stops the growth of anaerobic bacteria — commonly found in the gastrointestinal tract — since they cannot grow when exposed to oxygen.
In addition to the use of gas, there is the use of ozonated olive oil3 which shows promising potential and outcome.
A study tested the effects of ozonated olive oil compared to clotrimazole, the anti-fungal drug, in the treatment of vulvovaginal candidiasis, commonly known as yeast infection. The results showed that both the ozonated olive oil and the anti-fungal drug reduced the symptoms significantly and showed negative results in the culture of vaginal candidiasis. These results showed that using ozonated olive oil was as effective as using anti-fungal medication.
Both types of ozone vaginal administration —gas and olive oil — showed improvements in the patients’ vaginal health. The treatments exhibited efficient, rapid, and broad-spectrum anti-septic qualities and played a key role in destroying pathogenic microorganisms.