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Spring House

Updated: Jun 24, 2024

Various health issues in women are linked to toxins, such as hormonal problems, uterine fibroids, infertility, endometriosis, PCOS, autoimmune disorders, obesity, diabetes, allergies, asthma, cancer, neurological disorders, and Alzheimer's disease. There is a growing concern about female health problems increasing, including early puberty, infertility, birth defects, higher rates of breast cancer, and autoimmune conditions, which may be caused by endocrine-disrupting chemicals found in household cleaners and pesticides.

Being exposed to toxins and chemicals on a daily basis can significantly strain the body and potentially lead to the development of diseases. The most effective method is to enhance the performance of the body's detoxification organs, facilitate the removal of waste through elimination pathways, and boost circulation to eliminate cellular toxins


  • Limit Exposure

  • Open Detox pathways

  • Promote Elimination

  • Once toxins are mobilized we need to move them out!

  • Consider Colon Hydrotherapy after your detoxification process.

Organ function can be overwhelmed by a congestive traffic jam (stress, pathogens, water retention and toxic loads) and practitioners seek ways to break up the blockage. Accumulating waste and compromised nutrition processing and transport perpetuates worsening self regulation capacity; it must be resolved. (You need to move the junk from your tissues, kidneys, and liver).

Dainage solutions are critical in relieving the kidneys and vascular system, as well as in lowering the risk of a healing crisis by helping residual toxins move from the connective tissue into the bloodstream.Organ function can be overwhelmed by a congestive traffic jam (stress, pathogens, water retention and toxic loads) and practitioners seek ways to break up the blockage. Accumulating waste and compromised nutrition processing and transport perpetuates worsening self regulation capacity; it must be resolved. (You need to move the junk from your tissues, kidneys, and liver). Dainage solutions are critical in relieving the kidneys and vascular system, as well as in lowering the risk of a healing crisis by helping residual toxins move from the connective tissue into the bloodstream.

Every day, I rely on these products for incredible energy, detoxification, and a boost in metabolism. The positive energy they provide is priceless! These products deliver fast results. Our Liver & Gallbladder Detox Kit is $99.98 .




105 West Blackwell St. Tullahoma, Tennessee 37388 | (931) 247-7744 |

Fran Costner I-ACT Certified Colon Hydrotherapist

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease

Tue., Wed.,Thur.,- 9:00am - 6:00pm
Saturday - Colonics Only By Appointment Only 
Sessions After Normal Business Hours Available
by Appointment Only 
© 2018 Spring House Health & Wellness LLC. All Rights Reserved.
I-ACT Certified
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